Monday, September 8, 2014

Here they are at one of their favourite places... the toys department! It's usually a economical and fun way to send some time with the boys while they go around the department checking out all the toys. One thing which I am pleased and proud of is that both boys have NEVER pestered us to buy any toys for them. After they have had their fun, they will happily put the toys back where they took them. Little bun will usually wave a cherry 'bye' to the toy/s while being led away. In fact, I'd say that 99% of the toys which they have were bought by us out of our own free will.

I went on a trip to the mall with a friend and her daughter not very long ago and the little girl (same age as little bun) kept asking her mom to buy her something from whichever shop we were in.. it ranged from a necklace to a soft toy to a book.. and whenever her mom said no, she threw a fit that started all the way from the mall back to the house!! After witnessing this saga, deep down I was so proud of my boys, and so very thankful this has never happened to us **knocking on wood**.

Den: "Hey mommy, check out my new friend - Bot Bot!
(that's how he pronounces robots!)

Budding musician? Usually he gravitates towards musical instruments/toys..

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