Thursday, April 18, 2013

Little Bun is 18 Months Old!!

Wheeeee........ My little champion is all of one-and-a-half years old!! 18 months!!!

Now that I am no longer pregnant and no longer have to wrap myself up in bubble wrap, I am cuddling little bun a lot and bonding with him to make up for the past 9 months where I was discouraged from carrying him (or basically anything heavy for that matter). The past 1 month have been very, very rewarding because I was able to play with him, hold him, cuddle him close, carry him, etc without having to worry about over-exerting myself and jeopardizing the pregnancy. Happy to say that I am making up for lost time.

Little bun is very good-natured and it is such a pleasure watching him grow up. He never fails to make me laugh on a daily basis with his cheeky antics and silly facial expressions!! He is also picking up words/ actions VERY fast, much to our amazement and amusement. I just wish time will slow down so that I can enjoy his childhood...

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