Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Little bun gave my mom and I a heart attack the other day. He was lying in his cot and self amusing while my mom was sitting beside his bed watching telly. My mom suddenly screamed for me (I, the long-suffering housewife, was ironing hubby's clothes) that there's "blood in his ear"!! I dashed to his side and indeed, there was a pool of fresh blood pooled at the fossa section of his ear.. my heart skipped a beat (maybe two.. or three.. perhaps even four??!).

Thankfully, although it bled quite a bit, it was from an external wound. My mom kept asking me if it was from inside his ear, but after a thorough check, Dr Shane confirmed that his ear canal was dry and there's not a trace of blood. The only explanation I have is somehow, little bun managed to scratch himself with his fingernails as I could see a tiny cut. Who would've guessed a small wound like that can bleed so much??!

Off to trim some tiny nails...

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