Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trapped Inside a Foreign Body

I officially announce that my body does not really belong to me anymore, other than the fact that I am trapped inside it. I don't know what is wrong with it anymore. It is definitely not the 'time of the month' for me yet, but I have been spotting very lightly... this is so totally out of whack. I guess this is what Dr T previously referred to as 'dysfunctional bleeding' (yup, it's not the first time this is happening to me... it's happened before a few months ago too). Naturally I am concerned about it because now that I am trying to conceive, this is not going to help me one bit AND furthermore, this is supposed to be the time when I am ovulating!! WTF...

I think the word 'dysfunctional' is happening to every part of me.. my body, my mind, my sleep and even my dreams...

This is something written by a doctor (oncologist) which I read on the newspaper - 'Every man wants to take control of his life. But the truth is, you are not in control. I, as your doctor, am not in control either. Someone else is in control - a higher being'. Thought the statement carried a lot of truth.

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