Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year's Day 2010

Here are some of the photos that were taken during the barbeque on New Year's Day. Looking back at the photos make me want to organise another barbeque (again!). I think Mark will freak out when he reads this **hint**. Don't know exactly why, but I simply love the relaxing atmosphere of barbeques and don't mind doing them again (and again)... it also doesn't hurt that I really like barbequed food too!! When you have the right group of people, it is nice how everyone will gather together to chat over the smouldering embers of the grill and do silly stuff (like pouring beer over the meat to 'season' it). Everyone is just chilling out and the mood is relax.

I also have photos of me carrying Amanda (who was blissfully unaware of her surrondings and fast asleep throughout most part of the evening/ night). I honestly never thought I'd ever have the courage to hold a baby so soon after losing Chloe, and I really have Ashley (Amanda's mummy) to thank for giving me this opportunity to take this 'first step'. I hope there'll be more chances to hold Amanda, watch her grow up and be a part of her life.

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