Friday, February 11, 2011

I am about to run out of 'space' on my belly for the injections... I never thought I'd say this, but with a tummy as 'spacious' as mine is, I didn't think I'd run out of space, un-bruised space that is. The FSH injections have to be injected into the body fats, and the 'ideal' space to do it is about 2 inches away and below the belly-button. Hit the needle in the wrong spot and you end up hitting a blood vessel, which will then result in a lot of pain and a subsequent (hideous) bruise.

Anyway, my little egg suddenly decided to grow leaps and bounds from when we last did the scan, which is good cos this means I can stop the daily FSH injections. On the last scan on Tuesday, it measured 11mm and in
3 days, the egg increased to 18.5mm. Typically the growth rate is about 1mm a day. Well, I am not complaining... At 18.5mm the egg has reached maturity and ovulation is anytime from now till over the weekend, which works out great for me/ us.

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