Monday, November 29, 2010

According to Dr Anu, my HCG levels have dropped nicely and it's around the range of 67 as of last Friday. They'd need to continue to take my blood and monitor the levels until they become negative. Most likely, it'd be another week or so before I get the all-clear.

I used to be really squirmish when it comes to injections or taking blood. I used to get sleepless nights when I know that I am due for an injection or blood test the following day, but by now pregnancies (and miscarriages) have given me a very solid 'training ground'. It usually takes 2 or more attempts before the nurses can draw enough blood from me, and based on track record, they can only get it from the 'funny places' that hurts the most... like the back of my hand or on the wrist (if more than one test tube of blood is needed, then it'd have to be taken from the groin).

Same recent examples of my 'battle scars' -

This morning Dr Anu took some time to chat with me although I didn't have any appointment to see her. Early last week, she gave me her private cellphone number and told me to call her if I feel unwell or if I simply needed to talk. Mark and I thought it was very kind and sweet of her. Then on Friday, she sent me a text message to assure me that my HCG level was falling and asked how I was doing.

She seemed really concerned about how I was feeling and how I was coping mentally. Before I left, she gave me some words of encouragement, and told me not to give up just yet because she firmly believes that it's not the end. I certainly hope what she says is true.

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