Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pressies for Dr Anu

Cracked my brain thinking of what I should get for Dr Anu this Christmas.. I mean, what do you give the person who gave you back your life and who gave you the most priceless gift you had been dying to have?

Last year, I gave her a pair of tealight candle holders, one with the word 'Hope' and the other with the word 'Joy'. I first got them for myself and ended up getting another pair for Dr Anu cos I love their 'hidden meanings'. I gave them to Dr Anu along with a card that I had written the following "In your career, you have given many couples 'hope' and subsequently 'joy'... I hope that Mark and I will be one of those lucky couples next year!". She thanked me for the gift and told me she loved them (coincidentally she likes and also collects candles/candle holders)... She also said that she had displayed them in her house, but will only light them up AFTER she help us get what we want.

One year later, little did I expect that what I'd written in her Christmas card had come true! A few days after I delivered little bun, she told me that she'd be lighting up the 2 candles this Christmas because we have achieved what we wanted! I was surprised and touched that she still remembered what she'd said a year ago.

I ended up getting her a Precious Moments figurine as a token of our gratitude and appreciation in everything she'd done for me/us. I also framed the photo we took together and gave it to her. Whatever I give her can never compare to what she'd given me... she gave me my much longed for baby; she gave Mark and I our lives back; she gave me motherhood.

Mark and little bun joined me for my final appointment with her last week where I handed her the presents. We ended up chatting for quite a bit before we left and she told me taking care of me was a pleasure and it was a humbling experience for her as a medical professional. Dr Anu also encouraged us to try for baby #2 soon, preferably next year (she said that based on experience, sometimes the body may 'reset' itself after a successful pregnancy)!! I am not as optimistic as she is because with my PCOS, I think it is very unlikely that I can get pregnant without medical intervention. I told her she'd be the first person to know if we decide (or if I can convince Mark) to give little bun a little brother or sister.

While I have no regrets whatsoever, having little bun had burnt a laaaaaarge hole in our finances and we need time to rebuild it before we even dare to embark on the journey once again. But with that said, I am already excited at the prospects of the possibility of having another baby... I really do love being pregnant and I love motherhood! I know I may be greedy and asking for too much, but I just have a nagging feeling at the back of my head that tells me I am not done yet.

I think I am suffering from 'Dr Anu Withdrawal Symptoms'.. feels very unsettling to not see her every week or get her SMS. (Oh and not seeing her also means I won't get to see my Dr T anymore.. alas...)

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