Monday, December 12, 2011

Little Bun's 1st Vaccination

My poor littl
e bun had his first "6 in 1" vaccination on Friday, and I think it pained me more than it pained him when the nurses gave him the 2 jabs on his little thighs. He screamed his little lungs out until no sound came out, and his tiny face quickly turned into a bright, crimson shade in the split of a second. I could only cuddle him tightly into my chest and watch on. I know these injections are for good for him, blah..blah..blah.. but it still doesn't stop me from feeling like the worst mother in the world for subjecting him to the torture, and could only watch on helplessly as my baby is in pain. (Along with his cries, the only other sound I heard was the one ringing in my head that went "baaaaad mamaaaaaa").

As expected, the vaccinations had a side effect - fever. Late Friday night, some 12 hours after the jab was administered, little bun ran a temperature and was lethargic. We gave him paracetamol, put a cold towel on his forehead and then rocked him to sleep.

Unfortunately, the fever persisted for another day and Mark and I had a little "hot cross bun" in our hands. He was feverish and grouchy for most part of Saturday and only started being back to his usual self in the later part of Sunday.

The second round of vaccination is scheduled for Feb 2012. I am trying to convince Mark that it's his turn to take little bun there cos I am 'traumatized' by the experience.

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