Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I finally did it... never thought I have the guts to, but yes, I told my boss that I had enough and I want to call it quits (it is with Mark's blessings of course). I have been with the company for over 9 years now, and have been working in my current position for at least 6 years. I have been feeling frustrated, annoyed and unhappy with my job for at least 6 months. The client that I have been looking after for the last 5 years is driving me mad with their incessant unreasonable requests... My motto towards my clients has always been - 'It is ok to be demanding, but it is not ok to be unreasonable'. When I started to lose my patience in front of the client, I know it's a sure sign that I have been pushed to the end of my tether.

While I had been thinking/ talking about quitting for some time, I guess the straw that broke the camel's back was because last week, while I was sick on medical leave, the client asked me if I could continue to check my email regularly, this despite the fact that I told her I desperately needed the much needed rest after my whirlwind trip around the world. Oh yes, and I had to take 2 conference calls on that day even though I was feeling real lousy. It seriously made me feel like crap.

I personally feel that I have given enough to the company and the client, and the client being the client, is never going to appreciate my efforts no matter how much I do. A number of people who had just began working with me on a project for this client actually asked me how I managed to hang in there for 5 years... they have had enough of the client after a few months of working with them! Well, if I don't break the cycle, the client is just going to continue to take and take, and I will continue the endless cycle of giving and giving.

Who knows if had I realized this earlier, my life wouldn't be in the mess as it is now. Who knows if I had been less workaholic during my pregnancies, I might not have lost Lucas and Chloe. I feel that there's also a lot of resentment now because I feel that I have given up so much in exchange for naught.

Anyway, I am pleased with what I did, and after speaking to my boss, I felt that a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

1 comment:

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Good for you mate ! Onwards and upwards from here for you !

Congratulations :)
