Saturday, October 2, 2010

A sudden idea came to my mind out of the blue and it became the 'inspiration' for today's post. This morning as I was engrossed in my ouwn thoughts while preparing chicken porridge for Hershey (helps in her diarrhea) and I started wondering whether if one can trade or sell his/ her soul to the devil, in exchange for something of course.

In the fanciful tale of Dr. Faustus, a man makes a deal with the devil: in exchange for his body and soul, the man is to receive supernatural power and pleasures for 24 years. The devil agrees to the trade, and Dr. Faustus enjoys the pleasures of sin for a season, but his doom is sealed. At the end of 24 years, Faustus attempts to thwart the devil’s plans, but he meets a frightful demise, nonetheless.

I do not need supernatural power or pleasures of sin, but IF such a thing does exist, I would love to be able to trade/ sell my soul to the devil in exchange for 24 years of life as a mother to my own child. It may not seem like a long time, but to me, it'd be well worth it and I will let the devil claim my soul after that.

I have been living a rather meaningless existence for the past 15 months and I do feel like a hollow shell without a soul on some days. Hence if there is such a tradeoff, I'd grab it with both hands (and wrap my legs around it for good measure).

Barter trade anyone???

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