Friday, March 26, 2010

A colleague reminded me that I had to clear my annual leave from the current fiscal year, upon checking, I realised that I still have 11 days to be cleared by 31 Mar. That ain't going to happen obviously, but I have taken leave today and Monday, so it's a start at least. I planned to sleep in and then spend a couple of hours at the pool, but none of this happened.

I woke up earlier than usual because Hershey was whining away and after a while, I learnt the reason behind her whines. She wanted to be let out so that she can go to her toilet... our poor girl has diarrhea. Somewhere between when I was changing the bedsheets and doing the laundry, she pooped again, stepped on it and walked halfway around the house!! I ended up mopping the whole house twice... After that was done, I thought I can take a break and read the newspapers, but the poor pup puked in 3 different places, which resulted in more mopping (I think the house hasn't been so clean in a long time). By the time everything is done, I am exhausted and no longer in the mood to do any of the things I had originally set out to do.

Oh and I couldn't resist taking a peek at my work email, and ended up working for over 2 hours... If I feel up to it, perhaps I will go to the supermarket to buy some food so that I can make Mark a special dinner tonight. No more Western dishes this time... I want Chinese food. I bought 2 cook books yesterday and am inspired to try out some of the dishes.

Since if I cannot give my husband any baby, the least I can do is to keep his stomach full.

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