Monday, November 30, 2009

Hush Little Baby

Does anyone know if music can be played from the lift shaft? I mean from inside the lift shaft and not in the lift lobby or inside the lift like the kind you'd hear in a hotel lift?

The first time we heard it was on 09 Feb 2009. I can remember it very clearly because that was one day before I found out I was expecting Chloe. We were coming home from work that evening and we heard it coming from within the lift shaft while we were waiting for the lift to take us up from the basement carpark to our unit. The music disappeared as suddenly as it started.. it just sort of faded away towards the end of the song. Mark and I were mystified because we had been living here for 7 months and that was the first time we heard music... and a lullaby at that. Since we had no answers, I decided to take it as a 'Hello Mom & Dad' message from Lucas.

Although I looked forward to hearing it again, I never heard it anymore after that and gradually left it at that. While I knew that it was a children's song, I didn't know the name of the song and gradually forgot about the melody as well. I was pretty upset with myself for forgetting it.

Yesterday arvo, as Mark and I were coming back from the pool, we heard it again!!! Mark and I just stood there and stared at each other AND at the lift. The music defintely came from inside the lift shaft (not the lift) and again, as the doors were closing, it faded away. It is THAT same song and this time, Mark struck gold as he actually recalled part of the lyrics! I googled it immediately and finally found the song - Hush Little Baby. The version that we heard comprised only of the melody and it sounded like something from a musical box...

Is this our babies' way of saying 'Hello Mommy & Daddy'?

** Lucas and Chloe darlings, your mama and papa will buy you anything you can ever possibly ask for, ok perhaps except that dog named 'Rover' cos you already have Huskee and Hershey. Loving and missing you like always...

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