Monday, July 4, 2011

Names.. Names... Names.... (Part I)

I still have not found any 'inspiration' on the naming front. I am not fretting over it yet cos I hope it'd still be another couple of months before the name is needed. However, I have already started to keep a look out without Mark's knowledge, which makes things even more difficult because it means that I cannot discuss ideas/ options with him. Mark is still being very cautious about the pregnancy and while he is keeping the faith, he is reluctant to plan too much in advance. I think I am just being overly anxious and excited... and also because I know it'd take me a while to find some names that I really like and that fits all my criterion before I present the shortlisted names to Mark for discussion and selection. One of my flaws/virtues (depending on how one looks at it) is that I like to plan and prepare in advance. Admittedly, being well-prepared doesn't always work in my favour... sometimes it's better to just go with the flow.

I have already got a shortlist that I am pretty pleased with for one gender where I have a front-runner name that I really like plus some backup contenders in case Mark doesn't like what I have picked. It is the names for the other gender that is giving me a headache (and if my eyes didn't fool me, this is little bun's gender). So far nothing seems suitable... I have scoured through the internet for ideas, but haven't gotten an 'eureka moment' per se. Hence the search continues on (though it'd be a lot more helpful if Mark is open to discussion).

My criterion is quite simple actually... The name should preferably (in order of importance):
  • Have got a nice meaning behind it
  • Be unique but not over the top
  • Complement well with the surname 'Lee'
  • Have a 'money bag' alphabet (i.e. j, g, y, q)
  • Be of one or two syllables
If all else fails, I think little bun may end up being named 'Lee Tle Bun' and I can call him/her 'Bunnie' in short. BOL...



The rest of this post is a 'rant', just need to get things off my chest.

I have mentioned in one of my previous posts earlier this year that Mark has a bigoted friend whom I can just barely tolerate. Well, to be fair, he's always been nice and polite to me, and for Mark's sake, I always try to be friendly, courteous and I bite my tongue when what I really want to do is bite that guy's head off. Let's call him Mr 'My Balcony is Bigger than Your Living Room'. I think my issue with him stems from the following (hey, at least my biases are justified):
  1. He talks/behaves very arrogantly (As you can probably tell from the nickname I have given to him) E.g. my house is worth $X amount/ it is a DBSS/ it is very big/ I only need 5 min to travel into CBD/ it's got magnificient views of the city and then of course there's the infamous 'my balcony is bigger than your living room' (what he said repeatedly to us and our other guests when we first invited him over for our housewarming)
  2. He carries his wife's handbag (Yes, this is my pet peeve. How can anyone take a guy seriously when he is carrying a handbag on his shoulder??)
  3. He loves to compare himself with Mark (E.g. I have got this XXX certification and you don't/ I have already reached XYZ level of this game and earned ZZ trophies, what about you?)
  4. He brags a lot (I am just citing this one out of the numerous since this is one of the most recent) E.g. my brother-in-law is giving me this set of expensive speakers for my new home.. blah blah blah... If I were Mark, I'd have responded "Oh good, then you can amplify the sound of your own voice when you are blowing your own trumpet".)
  5. He likes to talk down to people who he deem are 'inferior' to him

Well, he and his wife recently had a baby and they named her 'Charlotte'. It is a name that I have always liked (right after 'Chloe'). I favour girl names that begin with 'C' or 'Ch' because it is the first 2 initials of my maiden name (and I favour boy names that begin with 'L' because Mark's surname is 'Lee', which explains Lucas' name). I also like 'Charlotte' because I find it very sweet and girly, and I really like the character of Charlotte in 'Charlotte's Web' ever since I read it in school. When I was asked to come up with a name for my god-daughter earlier this year, 'Charlotte' was one of the 2 shortlisted options. It was actually the front-runner, but both my brother-in-law and Mark preferred 'Rynnae', hence we settled on that.

Admittedly, at the back of my mind, this is one of the few shortlisted names I had in mind for little bun (assuming if it's a 'girl bun'). Obviously now this has to be scrapped. Bummer... talk about coincidence. Hmmmph!!!

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